(1755-1853) Family Cemetery
Alexander Gilreath, Esq. was born November 15, 1755 in Bute Co., NC. In 1776, he came to Wilkes Co., NC. A Revolutionary War Veteran and esteemed Justice of the Peace. He lived on this 600+ acre plantation by the 1780's. He operated a Grist Mill, Blacksmith Shop, and Post Office and owned about a dozen slaves on this plantation. He donated a acre of land near here for Liberty Church in 1818. After Liberty moved to another location, a group reorganized as New Hope Baptist Church at the old site. Alexander died November 13, 1853, at the age 98. He was buried here beside his wife, Elizabeth Souther Gilreath who died January 14, 1849. Other family members are also buried here.
Alexander and Elizabeth raised a large family of nine children, include one son George who served during the War of 1812. His youngest son, Noah (1800-1853) also raised nine children including four sons who served during the Civil War, three of whom died. One grandson: Capt. George Allen Gilreath (1834-1863) commanded the 55th NC Troops during the famous charge at Gettysburg where he died. The men of the 55th, according to the Gettysburg Commission, had advanced the farthest during Pickett's Charge. At this point is where the high tide of the Southern Confederacy surged and receded. This bold feat went to establish North Carolina’s most cherished tradition during the Civil War: First at Bethel, Farthest at Gettysburg and last at Appomattox. These 8 Gilreath veterans of three wars are honored along with other family members at this remote family cemetery in the community still referred to as Old Gilreath, NC.
We are not accepting any more Donations to this Fund!
The project is finished.
The full report will be out soon!
Special Thanks to the All Gilreath Family Fund Donors:
Totals: $2,779.81 Donated !
Gail Nestor, Melvin R. Gilreath, Sara P. White
North Carolina:
Donald R. Gilreath, Joann Hendren Powers, C. V. Adams, Thelma R. Hendren, Libby Oliver, Donald & Rhoda Hendren, Dorothy Baker Clements, Bobby Millsaps, Jennis Millsaps, Billy Millsaps, Larry Millsaps, Emogene Barnette, Lorene Wallace, Helen W. Booth, Deanna L. Baker, Nell Gooch Patterson, Myra Heard, Debbie & Stephen Pruitt, Kathy Hendren Hobbs, Todd & Debra Priest, Donald & Sandra N. Landry, Grady L. & Mary Gilreath
Edith Roach Bullock, Peggy Roach Beal